86 Bullets have announced that they have partnered with the Maryland SPCA to donate proceeds from signed copies of their new CD Ascension, and last year’s self-titled album!
1.Their Spirits Among Us 01:26
2.Burn 03:43
3.Tearing Down The Crucifix 05:20
4.Embrace The Silence 04:10
5.Unity 04:04
6.Lost In This World 04:00
7.Never Forget 04:10
8.Breaking The Beast 03:17
9.Last Day On Earth 04:17
10.Execution Of The Innocent 06:12
Music & Lyrics by 86 Bullets
Recorded at Studio E
Produced by 86 Bullets
Album Artwork – Rob Howell & The Howell Underground
86 Bullets Are:
Lead Vocals – Steve “Gravy” Graybeal
Lead Guitar / Vocals – Chris “Shredder” Elliott
Bass Guitar / Vocals – Eric Dee
Drums – Jerry “Jyro” Oxendine
The Band is opening the vaults and offering a limited supply of the long out of print Animals and Angels ep. These are signed copies, with the net proceeds also being donated to the SPCA.
Please help support this wonderful organization ( Maryland SPCA ) which provides a great service to the animals and to our community!
86 Bullets Online
Website: https://www.86bullets.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/86Bullets1/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/86bullets1/
Bandcamp: https://86bullets.bandcamp.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/86Bullets1
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUvbe5j0KUxbIGYbjaRPs6Q
MRR: https://mrrmusic.com/project/86-bullets/
Melodic Revolution Records Online:
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