We would like to wish all our fans and supporters a wonderful holiday season! May your holidays be filled with joy and peace.
Hi…. Allison here. I want to wish all of you music lovers out there on this glorious planet a happy and healthy holiday season. Thank you so much for your ongoing love and support…. It means the world to me. Tons of hugs from my heart to all of yours!!
Allison VonBuelow
Thank you so much for your dedication to our common love and passion – prog rock, and for your support of us, independent artists. Wish you a great Proggy Christmas and all the best in 2024. Keep prog alive!
Truly yours.
Andrew Roussak 🙂
I would like to take this time to thank you all for your continued support over the years. 2023 was rather quiet music-wise for me as I took on a new challenge with my new media company ASPIRE Media, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve been ignoring the music. 2024 will see me back in the studio with a new project which I’m also recording with my good friends Ed Artz and Lee Kendrick in America. We’ll be finishing off the new album, plus I have lined up a Primary School Choir to help record a very special charity 2024 Christmas song… There will be more details to follow. For now, though, I’ll be focusing on this Christmas. I’d like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and here’s to 2024. Love you all.
Andy John Bradford
Hello, we are Arnoldo’s Lizards. We wish you happy holidays and an incredible New Year. We want to express our gratitude for all your support towards our music; we truly appreciate it. We have recently released an album, and we invite you to listen to the world of Arnoldo’s! Cheers!
Arnoldo’s Lizards
“BABAL wants to say a huge thank you to everyone who has listened to our music this year and supported us by buying CDs, LPs, and downloads.
This means so much to us! “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year– how long do I have to sit here!” Let’s get Radical in 2024.”
Karen, Rob, Jon, and Chris

Blå Lotus would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We’re looking forward to what 2024 will bring and would love to have you along for the ride! Stay happy and listen to Blå Lotus, people!
Fredrik, Wiktor, Linus
Blå Lotus
Renee and I wish for everyone this season, to see with the eyes of their hearts, the message of God’s amazing love given to us through His son, Emmanuel. God is with us, loves us without reservation and there is now peace on earth through Jesus Christ to all humanity on earth, past, present, and future, and for all eternity.
Blessings to all and Merry Christmas.
‘”To those who know and have witnessed the nature of what has been a very long and difficult journey here, it has been the touching kindness and compassionate support given, that has been both the skinny slither of encouragement and blessings needed when the transition has often proved to be a profoundly dark one in my most challenging and painful of moments. With that, I say my deepest thank you and wish all of you the kindred atmosphere and an unfolding of kindness that your heart deserves and requires replenishing at this time of the season. May 2024 be a blessing to one and all.
As ever in all ways, always.”
Captain x 🙏
Captain of The Lost Waves
On behalf of Colouratura, Ian, Nathan, and Derek would like to thank everyone who took the time to listen and respond to our new album this year, and wish you all a Happy Holidaze!
Sending all of our fans a heartfelt thanks for embracing the music we create. We’re looking forward to bringing you live performances and more new music in 2024. Happy Holidays!
Eric, Scott, Derek, John, Matt, Jacob
Days Before Tomorrow

To all of the folks who have listened to our music for the first time or the thousandth time, bought our new live album, or downloaded or streamed any of our back catalog, Stratospheerius would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Wishing all you music lovers a very happy holiday season and a proggy new year! Thanks for supporting us and all the amazing artists on Melodic Revolution Records!
Cheers! Joe, Jason, Michelangelo, and Paul
Joe Deninzon & Stratospheerius
Best wishes for the Holidays and the New Year from Don Mularz and Dark Horse Flyer – hoping they hit all the right notes and thanks for listening! As musicians, the feedback and support from what we get from you are a big part of how and why we do what we do.
Don Mularz
Christmas isn’t just another time or day of year. It is Peace and Love we all share together without fear, without the tears. We all wish from the Drive-In Movie Band – Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
Ronald Marquiss
Drive-In Movie Band
We would like to wish a very happy holiday season to all of our amazing supporters, both current and future! We hope you all have a wonderful time with family and find some amazing prog albums under the tree. As we prepare for our upcoming release, we hope to hear from you all in January!!
Emerald City Council
The little elves of Forever Twelve were cobbling throughout the year, To make a little ear toy just for little ears to hear.. We wish you peace Forever on all Twelve Christmas Days and all the ways you celebrate your happy holidays.
Forever Twelve

We, at Gayle Ellett & The Electromags, would like to thank all of our fans for supporting our music!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Gayle Ellett & The Electromags
Seasons greetings to Nick Katona at Melodic Revolution and all subscribers from GiGo! Anthony Duke, Doug Scarratt, Jamie Scarratt, Don Schiff, and Andy Kinch wish everyone a very happy and particularly peaceful holiday. We are super excited to announce that our new album “The Divine Proportion” will be coming to the MRR family early in 2024. Join us, as we embark on an epic journey across varied musical genres, textures, and moods. Stay tuned for further info…
We ifsounds want to thank all you friends of MRR for your support and appreciation of our music. We’re all living hard times all around the world and only music and art can keep us human. We wish you all the best for these holidays and for the year to come.
Love, music, and hope!
Dario Lastella
To everyone who has supported us and enjoyed our music through the years, a heartfelt thank you from James, Joe, John, and I, Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2024 to all! We would especially like to wish a special thanks to our dear friend Nick Katona and our MRR family 🎄 🎅 🎁 Merry Christmas everyone 🎸 🥁 🎶
“There are wonderful things that just cannot be seen or touched. The wonderful deed of buying my music for your listening pleasure touches my heart. Thank you for your support and brightening my world.”
Jeffrey Erik Mack

We would like to wish all our friends and fans in the prog-rock world a very happy holiday season. Thanks for your support even though we’ve been inactive since April. We sincerely hope you will enjoy this time of year.
Kinetic Element
“ Thanking each and every one of you who have supported the music of so many fine artists here at MRR…wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! “
Kurt Michaels
Many thanks to all of you who have supported me and my music throughout this year and to all a very Happy Holidays.
Leon Alvarado
Here’s hoping 2024 offers you all health, new insights, new beginnings, new experiences, and new music!! Ring it IN!!
Lisa LaRue
“I wish you all a happy Christmas. Distribute love, the only thing that can save us. May peace be with you!”
Marco Ragni

Happy Holidays to all our listeners, wherever you may be. Music connects us in profound ways and I am thrilled that the songs The Gardening Club created have found you! Very best wishes to all.
Martin Springett
Wishing everyone a very happy holiday season. Keep streaming and enjoying all of the music Melodic Revolution Records has to offer. Thank you for listening!
Mike Shouse
To the Murky Red fans from all around the globe; Thank you for your support and good vibes For you the music never stops We wish you all the best for 2024 May your heart be filled with love May your life be full of joy Cherish the simple things in life A hug, a kiss, memories of the ones we miss Merry Christmas to you all Peace & love.
Murky Red
“Dear friends at Melodic Revolution Records”
It’s the season of festive tunes and holiday melodies, and we don’t want to miss the chance to send you our warmest wishes! May this season bring harmony, success, and plenty of new opportunities. Thank you for your dedication and passion in the world of music. Wishing you a Christmas filled with magical notes and a 2024 full of achievements!
With affection, Pier Mauro, Fiorella, Samuele, Stefano, Simone, Simone
To all of the Persephone’s Dream fans near and far…Happy Holidays & thank you for your continuous support. May everyone’s holidays be filled with Mysterious Music for the Mind.
Persephone’s Dream

A musical note of gratitude to all those who came to see me perform live with Kinetic Element at the Winter’s End Festival in Wales and Lobate Scarp at RoSFest in Florida — it was so great to meet up in person. Thank you for continuing to support us, and wishing you all a wonderful holiday season.
Love and peace,
Peter Matuchniak
Dear friends,
We wish you a very happy holiday! Thank you as always for your continued interest in our music and for your support. We truly appreciate it! Looking forward to some new music in 2024- can’t wait to share it with you!!
Peace, love, sunshine, and music, ☮️💕☀️🎶 Dyanne
Potter’s Daughter
“From the bottom of our hearts, Thank you for your continued support, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us”
We would like to thank all of you who supported our art this year. We wish you the happiest of holidays and a joyous new year! We can’t wait to bring you more fantastic tales in 2024!
Stanislav and The Lion

To rise is divine. It is basic physics: An object will remain at rest or in a uniform state of motion unless that state is changed by an external force. The force we apply to the Christmas Spirit—the force that moves the human spirit from a state of rest to a state of rising—we call hope. This is why I define my music as “Rising.” I hope you find the Sun King Rising musical experience a rising experience for you, as well. May your Holiday be happy. May your heart be merry. May your Spirit be strong. May your hope keep rising forever and ever.
With Love.
Sun King Rising
Hello friends. I wish you all the joy, love, and togetherness the holidays bring. Much love to all!
Steve Bonino
T.A.P sends you wishes for warmth, joy, and peace this holiday season. Thank you for joining us and supporting us on our new venture this year, and we look forward to sharing more with you next year.
Wishing all of our fans around the world a peaceful and happy holiday season. We are so grateful for your support. Be on the lookout for more music in the New Year!
Ten Jinn
Wishing all our fans a most fabulous holiday season and a Merry Christmas!
Terry Newman Project

“From Time Horizon to all our fans and MRR friends Merry Christmas and we hope you have a blessed 2024.”
Time Horizon
Happy Holidays everyone! From our family of Time’s Forgotten to yours, we want to wish you a very special time, full of love and warmth! This year has been a great one for us, touring our country and Mexico, making new fans all the way, and feeling the love from you, our supporters. We hope you can join us next year while we finish our tour and record our fifth album Much love Juan Pa, Pri, Ari, Chalo, and Jorge
Time’s Forgotten
Dear friends, music lovers, and those who are only here by chance! The season of holidays in our part of the world is coming. To many of us, the time of Christmas and the New Year is the period of warmth, family, and magic… But most of all it is the time when each of us can make a small difference to the closest beloved ones. And that is it. But the world is wider. The world seems to approach the point when it is hard to just celebrate with curtains down. It desperately needs us to unite but it is more shattered than ever. There is one thing, however, which I’ve always strongly believed: that the music, the poetry, and the humanity are the essential driving forces that have a chance of bringing pieces together. So let us do what we can in what we know the best. Stay human. It is much needed. Merry Christmas, friends. Let the next year be better. Hamlet
Transport Aerian
Hi Everyone! This is Steve Rosenberg from the Band “When Friends Come Out To Play” We want to wish our Family, Friends, and fans a happy and “MELODIC” holiday season! Cheers!
When Friends Come Out To Play

Let’s catch our breath as we get ready to say goodbye to 2023!
What a whirlwind year it has been for the Artists and Musicians of the Melodic Revolution Records and Peacock Sunrise Records family. So much incredible Music has carried us through the holiday season and straight into the new year. It is with fond wishes for a Merry Christmas to everyone and ALL the best in 2024!
Peace, Love & Music,
Rebecca Avelar Marketing & Social Meda Director
Dear Nick and Jennifer! In warm appreciation of our association, we extend our best wishes for a happy holiday season and a New Year filled with Peace, Joy, and Success!…
Ed Unitsky – Graphic Artist & Illustrator
Being considered part of the MRR family means more to me than you will ever realize – I sincerely hope Nick, Jennifer, and all at Melodic Revolution Records have an amazing Christmas and New Year
Kev Rowland – Author The Progressive Underground

From all of us at Melodic Revolution and PeacockSunrise Records we would like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Holiday Season. Please celebrate the tradition that your heart follows because if there is one thing we can all agree upon is that all people celebrate Love, Light, and Hope. It is with this wish we would like to thank our amazing Artists for their hard work and dedication to a craft that touches us all, we do not need to speak the same language when we listen to music we only need to share in that common rhythm that touches us deep inside and sets off a cascade of magnificent images and emotions. Music unites us when few other things can and it is what can bring us back to our humanity when we feel we have lost it. So in this magical time of year open your heart to possibility and listen to your favorite songs, spend time with family and friends, and imagine an amazing new year with the eyes of a child.
Melodic Revolution and PeacockSunrise Records