We had this idea to put a new piece of music out once a month – these are new pieces that came together through 2 days of improvisation in November 2023 – they were recorded as they happened, live at BABALKastel – our new music usually starts this way then the tracks are usually amended/rearranged, generally following where Karen Langley’s vocals are going.
Because we have been working in this way for over 20 years we have become intuitive to what we each create in the moment .
Don’t expect blues or groove/riff jams – these are often excursions in sound.
We are joined on this recording by our new bass player Chris Gill .
The first piece entitled There Is No Path In The Sky (14:48) is now available as a free download on our Bandcamp site on January 1st and then a new piece of music on the first of each month.”
Karen Langley – vocals, words
Rob Williams – guitar
Jon Sharp – drums
Chris Gill – bass
Lyrics: Karen Langley
Music: Rob Williams
Recorded live at BABALKastel November 11th 2023
Mixed by Rob Williams & Karen Langley
Mastered using Landr
Russ Brown – art – www.instagram.com/mrrussbrown/
Babal Online
Website: https://babal.rocks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/babalband/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babal_band/
Bandcamp UK: https://babal.bandcamp.com
Bandcamp USA: https://babalmrrartist.bandcamp.com/music
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2OsjjdHsjkFvCbGHFvcPu1?si=Vn5zh7m6TGyQRvN3wmvxXg
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