L-R George Keller, Colin Carter and George’s Dog Harley

It is with great sadness that I share the passing of Colin Carter, an extraordinary talent and a dear friend to many. Colin passed away this morning, leaving a profound void in the music world. I vividly remember when Colin reached out to me in early 2023 about releasing his latest album, Tracks In Space. After hearing the masters, I was beyond enthusiastic, having been a long-time admirer of his work with Flash during my youth in the 1970s.

Colin gifted us with his incredible music and the cherished memories it created. His legacy will endure forever—a treasure no one can ever take away.

According to his family, Colin wished for a celebration of his life instead of a traditional funeral. Details about this event will be shared as they become available.

Born on July 14, 1948, Colin Carter was a British musician and the lead vocalist of the progressive rock band Flash. He began his musical journey in Portsmouth, performing with local bands, before rising to fame with Flash in the early 1970s. After the band disbanded, Colin continued his musical pursuits, including forming the band Storm after relocating to New York. In recent years, he released solo works, including his album One and his latest masterpiece, Tracks In Space.

Colin’s contributions to music and the joy he brought to, so many will never be forgotten.

They say you should never meet your heroes. In the case of Colin Carter, that was simply the opposite…meeting Colin was one of the high points of my life. Not only did I get to collaborate with one of rock’s most-unique and talented voices, I was blessed to call him a friend. Possessing a fine mind and sharp wit, what you thought would be a two-minute conversation could turn into a several- hours-long exchange of ideas and witticisms and still seem like only two minutes. I am deeply saddened by his passing but grateful to have known him and to have some very wonderful memories.
George Keller – Musical Partner – Tracks in Space

I sure am gonna miss that tight-lipped, ornery, loveable, talented old Brit! Lorin & I spent lots of time with Colin, sharing birthdays and holidays, even music projects. Every time a close friend pre-deceases me, it leaves a hole in my heart.
Doro – Friend of Colin

RIP Colin Carter… frontman for one of my fave bands Flash. He had a one-of-a-kind voice and I loved it. Also incredibly good Songwriter and a very interesting guy to look at on stage. All three albums by Flash are huge influence on me and in fact, I’ll be performing one of their songs on the cruise to the edge this year.
Fernando Perdomo – Musician


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