Over the course of self and state-ordered quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, Juan R Leõn found time to write a short parable inspired by an article on faith and the “new normal”. Not being confident in his own singing abilities, Juan reached out to friend and poet Corey Stano to provide the vocal performance on “The Rhino And The Oxpecker”. Corey turned in a shining performance full of subtle nuances and dramatic pauses which served the material well. Her tonality and cadence had produced exactly what the project needed and soon the two were collaborating with Corey providing the written prose and vocal performance while Juan composed and performed the music.

Born in Sonora, Mexico of Yaqui and Tarahumara lineage, Juan has been creating music most of his life. A musician for over 40 years, Juan has been playing in bands regularly since the early 1980s and releasing a steady stream of original music for the past 20 + years. He is also a solo Native American Flautist as well as a solo Stickist/bassist composing ambient soundscapes. He is a co-founder of StickCentric, Ollin, Emotional Response Sound Experiments, ACirckleOfRabbits, and dReaMSoaKeR. He is the owner of SSR Studios/Blue Room Music. Juan finds himself at home in instrumental-based music with heavy leanings towards progressive, post-rock, experimental, ambient, dark-wave, and avant-garde styles. Using unique instruments like the Chapman Stick®, NS Stick®, Zen 10 touch guitar, and Native American Flutes, as well as bass, E Bow, synths, percussion, and field recordings, Juan creates haunting and immersive compositions to compliment Corey’s rich and hypnotic voice.

Born in Orlando, Florida, Corey is a world traveler with an extensive background in theatre. She currently works as a writer and freelance artist. As a skilled painter, her poetry reflects her visual art background with vivid and surreal imagery. The gothic sensibilities of her writing complement Juan’s evocative music to create an immersive experience for the listener.
Corey’s ability to combine beauty in prose with poetic, knife-edge imagery is at the core of Stanislav & The Lion’s landscape. It is both the fulcrum and impetus behind the direction of the music. Her rich voice is the “beau idéal” of the project delivering a performance that at once mesmerizes and captivates.
Such were the beginnings of Stanislav & The Lion.
Juan R Leõn: Music, composition, emotional response sound experiments
Corey Stano: Vox, prose, spirit guide
Stanislav and The Lion Discography
Robotă (2023) Melodic Revolution Records CD, Digital and Streaming
Myths Retold and Other Lies to Tell Your Children Delux Edition (2023) Melodic Revolution Records CD, Digital and Streaming
Self-Released Discography
dReaMSoaKeR – Imaginator (Single) Self-Released 2023
dReaMSoaKeR – H I V E (Album) Self-Released 2023
dReaMSoaKeR – Antes De La Tormenta (Album) Self-Released 2023
dReaMSoaKeR – eVolUTioN (EP) Self-Released 2022
Stanislav and The Lion – Arias For Dreaming (Single) Self-Released 2022
Stanislav and The Lion – Myths Retold and Other Lies to Tell Your Children (Album) Self-Released 2020
The Dire Hectors – Artemis The Cat Has A New Toy (Single) Self-Released 2023
StickCentric – Tapisseries Sonores De L’Écouteur Moderne (Single) Self-Released 2020
Jupiter Groove – Gears of Progression – Self-Released 2018
Juan R Leõn – Fortunately For Philly Phineas F. Phunk, Finding Freaky, Funky Freaquencies Frequently Fostered Fiendishly Frantic Findings! (Single) Self-Released 2022
Juan R Leõn – Soledad Y Cambio (Single) Self-Released 2022
Juan R Leõn – Emotional Response Sound Experiments Vol. IV: Almas Despedidas (EP) Self-Released 2022
Juan R Leõn – Emotional Response Sound Experiments (E.R.S.E.) Volume V: SERENE (EP) Self-Released 2022
Juan R Leõn – Tales Of The Jaguar Warrior (EP) Self-Released 2021
Juan R Leõn – Crash Course In Patience (For Emmett) Self-Released 2021
Juan R Leõn – Re-Gifting Ye Ole’ Fruitcake (Single) Self-Released 2021
Juan R Leõn – Articulo No. 5 (Album) Self-Released 2020
Juan R Leõn – Emotional Response Sound Experiments Vol III: The Affection Of The Elements (EP) Self-Released 2020
Juan R Leõn -O’ Seraphim! Rejoice! (Single) Self-Released 2020
Juan R Leõn – Emotional Response Sound Experiments Volume Two: SLEEP (EP) Self-Released 2019
Juan R Leõn – Emotional Response Sound Experiments Volume 1:Tension and Release (Album) Self-Released 2015
Juan R Leõn -RAICES (EP) Self-Released 2015
Juan R Leõn – The Wind That Moves The Moss (EP) Self-Released 2015
Juan R Leõn – Segundo Volumen Nuevo (Album) Self-Released 2015
Juan R Leõn – Primer Volumen Nuevo (Album) Self-Released 2015
Stanislav And The Lion Online
Website: https://stanislavandthelion.godaddysites.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550106762335&mibextid=b06tZ0
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stanislavandthelion/
Bandcamp: https://stanislavandthelion.bandcamp.com/
Juan R Leõn Online:
Website: https://juanrleon.godaddysites.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juanrleonvasquezmusic
Corey Stano Online:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coreypoetry/