Early in 2024, Corey and I had discussed ideas for our 2nd album. By coincidence, or perhaps by symbiotic design, we both felt that a concept album based on sci fi themes both in imagery and music would be a bold road to travel. Both being nerds of the highest order we set about to conjure up our own worlds to bring to life…something. Corey had an idea about a robot that would save the earth…that got me thinking about the music of Vangellis and Jarre (synth pioneers and amazing composers). I started writing music with only a scant idea of the story that was being developed. I composed about 10 -15 thematic passages. When I received Corey’s writing I began to sculpt the music to best serve her words, the story, the imagery.
This is a collection of demos, unused and unfinished tracks, instrumentals, and other mixes from those early Robotă sessions. These tracks are in no way mastered and by all accounts raw and in their incipient state. Some instrumentation varies from the final versions found on Robotă while some of the arrangements are slightly different. I had an idea of the song titles from a list that Corey sent me with outlines of each songs content and subject. So I wrote music with that in mind. Upon hearing her vox recordings, I ended up using different compositions than the ones I had “envisioned”, thus the title changes.
There is one new tune written specifically for this release. “Some Assembly Required” is an homage to the creative process involved in “discovering” music for Robotă. I use the word “discovering” as I believe that music is already around us like a hidden, subterranean stream. As musicians we must allow ourselves to connect with that stream and tap into it. At times it releases a deluge of creativity and inspiration. Other times it seems to drip, slowly but surely. In any event, we must pursue our muse, use our divining rod and allow for our id to side step a bit so one can discern, dig, and dive in.
Special headphone THX Spatial Mixes of “Ego Birth” and “Photosynthesis And Other Rituals” are included. No special headphones or earbuds needed! These mixes were Free Bonus Content during the Debut Listening Party event for Robotă.
“Evangelos’s Chariots” stood apart from the other demos in this collection. Influenced and inspired by Corey’s wonderful telling of Robotă, this working title just seemed to want to be left alone. So I decided not to use it, or any iteration of it, for the album. Ironically, after hearing it again in this context, it kind of fits.
Stanislav And The Lion Online
Website: https://stanislavandthelion.godaddysites.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550106762335&mibextid=b06tZ0
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stanislavandthelion/
Bandcamp: https://stanislavandthelion.bandcamp.com/
Juan R Leõn Online:
Website: https://juanrleon.godaddysites.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juanrleonvasquezmusic
Corey Stano Online:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coreypoetry/