by nick444 | Apr 22, 2019 | Uncategorized
We at Melodic Revolution Records embrace Earth Day not just once a year, but every day of the year. Last year we released the debut album by the Bomber Goggles called Gyreland, the album tells the story about a new continent that is constructed out of the plastic...
by nick444 | Apr 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Official release date for Storm Warning will be April 26th, 2019 however the is now available for pre-order in America via Andrew’s Bandcamp Store and in Europe via his own website. Storm Warning is Andrew Roussak’s new solo album and his first release...
by nick444 | Mar 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
We are thrilled to announce that Melodic Revolution Records will bring its booth of goodies and music back to RoSfest, this time at its new home in Sarasota, Florida. RoSfest is one of the oldest and most renowned US Art Rock Festivals MRR has kicked things up a notch...
by nick444 | Feb 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
(In Concert Collaboration with New Jersey Talents at the Jo Ann Magistro Performing Arts Center in East Brunswick, NJ) On Tuesday, February 26, at 7 PM, East Brunswick High School Orchestra is presenting its Family Concert featuring both the Orchestra and...
by nick444 | Feb 5, 2019 | Press Releases, Uncategorized
Album Art El Kay Melodic Revolution Records is pleased to announce the upcoming album Stargazer 2 by The Steve Bonino Project. Hot on the heels of the highly acclaimed debut album Stargazer… Bomber Goggles Multi-instrumentalist Steve Bonino returns with Stargazer 2....
by nick444 | Jan 27, 2019 | Press Releases, Uncategorized
Part 2B of The Circle of Confusion of Tongues Trilogy “The Big Everything” EP available for Pre-Order, The CD is a Limited Edition of only 75 Numbered CDs “The Big Everything” EP is also available as a high-quality Download via Melodic...