“Neighborhood Of Spirits” is a seven-song analogy of human behaviors, scenarios, and possibilities. The sounds and structures of the music cycle through many aspects of our collective experiences and conditions. We hear happiness, sadness, longing, surprise, anger, tranquility, hope, beauty and chaos. “Neighborhood Of Spirits” lives comfortably in both the Progressive and the Rock/Crossover genres, and fans of both will resonate with this latest work.
1. Mankind 06:42
2. August In September 06:20
3. Eight Billion Heartbeats 09:23
4. New Man 08:31
5. Neighborhood Of Spirits 07:52
6. Peaceful Planet 05:33
7. A Thousand Men 10:01
Buy Now: https://forevertwelve.bandcamp.com/album/neighborhood-of-spirits
Band Members
John Baker : Lead Vocals
Steve Barberic : Keyboards
Tom Graham : Guitar, Keyboards, Bass & Vocals
Robert Craft : Drums
Produced by Forever Twelve
Mixed by To m Graham and John Baker. Mastered by John Baker. Graphics/Cover Photo/Graphic Design: Lisa LaRue-Baker
Forever Twelve Online
Profile Page: https://mrrmusic.com/project/forever-twelve/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forevertwelve/
Bandcamp: https://forevertwelve.bandcamp.com/
ReverbNation: https://www.reverbnation.com/forevertwelve
Amazon: https://amazon.com/music/player/artists/B0012C3X22/forever-twelve
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/home/1269243360
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7snjdV1RnjdWeY6pdOv3t7?si=HclfLGeDSGC3aSI8eF6ytA
Melodic Revolution Records Links
Website: https://mrrmusic.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelodicRevolutionRecords/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MelodicRevolutionRecordsMusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melodicrevolutionrecords/
Bandcamp: https://myrevolution.bandcamp.com/