Troubleshooting Pandora’s Box is a new musical project by Melodic Revolution Records founder Nick Katona.
About the Music?
This project is an exploration into what lies behind beauty, sometimes it is evil and corrupt. These concepts will provide a lush platform for rich storytelling lending insight to our modern age with a focus on how to make our lives and world better. This is not a project by a band but instead, it comes from a collaboration of artists, whose styles, backgrounds, and interpretation through their cultural lens provide beautiful music filled with great hooks and lyrics that will resonate with each of us. Each song will be a digital-only release initially, with a full album of the best to follow in the future. Stay tuned, we have our first piece releasing shortly, full details to follow.
What is Pandora’s Box?
Pandora was given a box or a jar, called “Pithos” in Greek Mythology. The gods told her that the box contained special gifts from them but she was not allowed to open the box ever… well we know the end of that story. Moving forward a few Millenia we have a new “box” one entrusted to the human race; the internet. This new “box” represents a source of great and unexpected troubles, it can be valuable but in reality, can also be a curse. The concept of Troubleshooting Pandora’s Box was born over 20 years ago during the dawn of the computer age and is finally ready to be unleashed upon the world.
Facebook | MRR Profile
Bandcamp and other social links coming soon!