by nick444 | Oct 15, 2021 | MRRADIO, Radio Station
<iframe></p> <p> Channel Description: WMRR Genre Free Radio. the name...
by nick444 | Sep 12, 2021 | MRRADIO
Welcome to Melodic Revolution Radio! Welcome to Melodic Revolution Radio! We are partnered with California-based 113 FM, a premier, global online radio provider broadcasting a variety of internet radio channels covering various music genres, periods, and...
by nick444 | Jul 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
The new 86 Bullets album, Ascension, goes on pre-sale today on the band’s Bandcamp store, the album is slated for release on Friday, July 16, 2021. Prior to the pandemic, the first single “Burn” was released before everything came to a halt. Once the band was...
by nick444 | Sep 9, 2009 | Uncategorized
Morre 86 Bullets Athellis Allison vonBuelow Amadeus Awad AmuZeum Andres Guazzelli Andrew Roussak Andy John Bradford Anton Darusso Anuryzm Arnoldo’s Lizards Babal Backhand Barbara Rubin Blå Lotus Bomber Goggles Cary Clouser Colin Tench Colouratura Corvus Stone The...
by nick444 | Jun 8, 2018 | New Arrivals, New Release, Press Releases
Maryland Melodic Hard Rocker 86 Bullets return with their latest release Animals & Angels the follow up to the band’s acclaimed EP, The Elephant in the Room released in late 2017. The latest album Animals and Angels, released June 8, 2018, is the third ep in...