This is the artwork for our upcoming album “ELEMENTS”. Designed by Pierre-Alain D. http://www.3mmi.org/
There is no release date as of yet.
Listen to The Burden here
Thought Factory
Sven Schornstein (Keys)
Bernd Schönegge (Bass)
Chris Maldener (Drums)
Markus Wittmann (Guitars)
Cornelius Wurth (Vocals)
Thoughts Factory are a German melodic prog metal band influenced by different styles and genres. Five musicians shaping a new and exciting metallic sound similar to Symphony X and Dream Theater, with some gloomy references such as Opeth, all the way to progressive rock Transatlantic, Neal Morse, Ayreon.
On The Web
Website http://www.thoughtsfactory.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thoughtsfactory
Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/thoughtsfactorymusic/videos
Twitter https://twitter.com/TFProgMetal
MRR Profile Page https://mrrmusic.com/thoughts-factory/