…in brief
Overture was born from the ashes of Sons of the Rascals in January 2010. In 2018, they released their first highly critically acclaimed self-titled album. In 2021 Pier Mauro Marras joins the band, replacing the previous singer Luigi Ventroni.
In 2024, after years of composition, they released the new single “Conscienza Cibernetica” anticipating the upcoming second album “A mezz’aria sul tempo“.
Despite the different musical tastes of the individuals, the genre manages to satisfy and characterize the group’s works in the context of Progressive Rock.
The music of Overture is inspired by the masterpieces of 70s prog, but also incorporates influences of neo-prog and many other genres, due to the varied and heterogeneous background of the musicians involved.

– Pier Mauro Marras – Vocals
Pier Mauro Marras cultivate passion for music and writing since adolescence. He started singing in his first band at the age of 15, after moving on to other cover bands, in July 2015 is founder member Materia Oscura and in 2021 he joined Overture, contributing to the composition of the lyrics for their second album. He currently sings in Materia Oscura and Overture, without abandoning his passion for writing.

– Simone Desogus:
Born in 1993 in Sardinia, begins to play drums at age of 3. By the age of 16, he starts to study in a professional way drums and plays in some bands. In 2010 founds progressive rock band “Overture”. He studies traditional percussion, jazz drums, and music education

– Simone Meli:
Born in 1987 in Sardinia, begins to play keyboard at age of 6. From 13 he begins to play in some musical bands and in 2014 graduates in electronic music. He studies music education and teaches music in elementary school. In 2014 joins “Overture”.

– Samuele Desogus:
Born in 1995 in Sardinia, begins to study piano but a the age of 12 starts to play and study electric and classical guitar. He’s one of the founders of “Overture” and mixed their first album.

– Stefano Sanna:
Born in Sardinia in 1988, plays electric bass from the age of 14. In 2015 he graduates in bass guitar and studies double bass. He’s one of “Overture” founders in 2010.

– Fiorella Piras:
Born in 1989 in Sardinia, she develops her passion for many types of music since her childhood, joining from age of 6 until 16 Alghero’s polyphonic choir. She studies bassoon and flute and joined “Overture” as flute player and singer in 2011.
Current Members
Pier Mauro Marras – Lead Voice
Simone Desogus – Drums, Percussion, Back Vocals
Simone Meli – Keyboards, Back Vocals
Samuele Desogus – Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar
Stefano Sanna – Bass, Fretless, Synth Bass, Contrabass
Fiorella Piras – Flute, Back Vocals
Former Vocalist Luigi Ventroni:
Born in 1985 in Sardinia, develops a passion for music since childhood, especially for ’60’s and’ ’70’s rock. Begins playing guitar but at age 20 he decides to switch to singing and plays in some local rock bands.
In 2015 joins “Overture” band and contributes to making their debut album.
Live in Veruno at 2Days of Prog + 1 September 8th, 2019 Photos
A mezz’aria sul tempo (TBA) CD, Digital and Streaming
Coscienza Cibernetica – Single (2024) Digital and Streaming
Overture (2018) CD, Digital and Streaming